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Is the procedure painful?Pain tolerance varies between individuals. I use an effective topical anesthetic before and during the procedure to maximize comfort. Most clients are extremely comfortable and are able to relax with little to no pain. Once finished, the brow area may be tender and have some swelling.
How is the design, shape and color decided?"Many factors go into this. A shape and design will be mapped out according to your face shape, bone structure and symmetry as well as my professional opinion and your preferences as a client. Color is decided by taking into consideration your hair & brow color, skin tone and undertones. I spend a good portion of the appointment perfecting this.
How long will it last?This varies from person to person. Longevity depends on skin type, skin care, sun exposure and care for the tattoo. Generally, it can last from 1-3 years. Touchups are recommended every 12-18 months.
Difference between cosmetic & traditional tattooing?Although I do not consider microstroking or other cosmetic tattooing a semi-permanent procedure as it is pigment being planted into the dermis of the skin like a traditional tattoo, it does fade over time. There is no guarantee of outcome or the rate of fading. There are differences between cosmetic tattooing & traditional tattooing such as pigment VS ink. Cosmetic tattooing uses pigments. Pigments are designed to fade over time & are made up of smaller molecules allowing your body’s white blood cells to break it down quicker over time, allowing it to fade quicker. Fading is desired so that the artist can cater to style, taste, face, skin and preference changes over time.
What to expect & healing process?Immediately following the procedure your brows will look bold. They are expected to fade 30-40% once healed. The first 7-10 days they will scab, feel itchy and a little crusty. Once the scabs exfoliate and fall off, a fresh new layer of healed skin over your tattoo will make it appear really faint for a couple of weeks until it resurfaces. Around 4 weeks you should see healed results.
Am I a good candidate?If you have questions, concerns or special circumstances, feel free to contact me and I can answer all your questions. If you have a medical condition, please see your doctor prior to the procedure and obtain a medical release. •You must be off of accutane for 1 year and not be using retinols on the brow area for a minimum of 30 days. •You must be 18+ with valid ID •You cannot be pregnant or nursing. •Raised moles, abrasions, blemishes, or ant other irregularities of any sort in the brow area, cannot be tattooed over. Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for people with: Diabetes, recent chemotherapy or on blood thinners or are on/have anything that can hinder your healing process (consult your doctor first. Certain exceptions can be made with a doctor’s release) •Skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.) •Sickness (cold, flu, etc.) •Botox in the past 3 weeks.
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